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Setting up a Custom Domain
Updated over a week ago

By default your Viewcastle web app is assigned a 6 character subdomain of For example,, where t1kro4 is your web app's unique subdomain (we will refer to this unique subdomain as your app's app_id going forward in this article). However, you can setup your own domain making it easier for your audience to access your web app.

Using Your Own Domain

Most likely you have your own domain, such as (replacing 'yourdomain' with your actual domain name), that you'd like your audience to visit at To do this, you need to point at your Viewcastle web app's default subdomain that we described above. Keep in mind that if you already have a website at that you DON'T want to replace, then you'll need to either purchase a new domain or use a subdomain other than 'www'. If you'd like to use a subdomain other than 'www', such as, then jump ahead to Using a Subdomain below.

Configuring Your 'www' Subdomain

To continue with using 'www', you'll need to create the following DNS record:


Host: www

Destination: [app_id] (replace [app_id] with your web app's unique subdomain)

TTL: 1 hour (3600 seconds)

It can take a few minutes or even a few hours for your changes to propagate around the world. You can check your URL here to see its status throughout various locations across the globe. When it has finished propagating, each location should resolve to [app_id]

Configuring Your Root Domain

Your root domain is simply without the 'www' in front. Most likely you'll want users to be able to type this into their browsers and still access your Viewcastle web app. There are two ways to achieve this: 1) redirecting your root domain to 'www' (preferred) or 2) pointing your root domain to [app_id]

Option 1) Redirect Your Root Domain to 'www'

Ideally you'll want your root domain to redirect to This means when a user types the URL will automatically get replaced with Most modern browsers will do this by default, but just in case, you'll want to consult your domain hosting platform on setting up a redirect for your root domain. This will ensure that even if the browser doesn't do it, your domain server will redirect to anyway. We've provided some generic instructions for setting up redirects under our Common Domain Hosting Platform Instructions section below.

Option 2) Point Your Root Domain to [app_id]

If your domain hosting platform does not have a way to setup redirects, most likely they will allow you to create a CNAME record for your root domain as an alternative solution. What this means is you can simply point your root domain directly to [app_id] The downside is if a user types into their browser and their browser doesn't redirect them by default, then the URL will continue to read as (without the 'www') but your web app will still load for them as expected. To do this, you'll need to create the following DNS record:


Host: @ (some domain hosting platforms will require leaving this blank instead)

Destination: [app_id] (replace [app_id] with your web app's unique subdomain)

TTL: 1 hour (3600 seconds)

Again it can take a few minutes to a few hours for this change to propagate around the world. Just like when you configured 'www', you can check your URL here to see its propagation status. Be sure to search for without the 'www' this time when checking the status.

Using a Subdomain

If you already have an existing website at 'www' and still plan to use it, but you want to use the same domain for your Viewcastle web app, then you'll just want to point a subdomain to your Viewcastle web app. Your subdomain could be anything, for example, where tv is your subdomain. To do this, you'll need to create the following DNS record:


Host: (Enter the name of your subdomain, this could be anything, for example: tv)

Destination: [app_id] (replace [app_id] with your web app's unique subdomain)

TTL: 1 hour (3600 seconds)

Thats it! You don't need to worry about your root domain when using a subdomain because your root domain should always redirect or point to whatever site you are already hosting at 'www'.

It can take a few minutes to a few hours for this change to propagate around the world. You can check your URL here to see its status throughout various locations across the globe. When it has finished propagating, each location should resolve to [app_id]

Enabling SSL (over 'https')

Most likely when you first setup your custom domain, trying to go to (using 'https' instead of 'http') will produce a warning that your website is not secure. In order to solve this, we, Viewcastle, will need to produce an SSL certificate for you. All you need to do is contact your account / onboarding representative and provide them with the full name of your domain or subdomain you are using for your Viewcastle web app. We will create an SSL certificate for you and keep it up to date on our end so there is nothing you need to manage yourself. The only thing you will be required to do is verify that you own the domain that we are certifying. For this, your rep will promptly respond with a set of instructions on how to verify that you own the domain. It will involve adding a couple additional CNAME records to your DNS, which by now you are a pro at! Once that step is complete, your site will be secure when using 'https'. πŸŽ‰

Common Domain Hosting Platform Instructions


Adding a CNAME Record

If you're using Godaddy as your domain hosting platform then follow these instructions in order to add a CNAME record to your DNS.

Create a Redirect

If you're using Godaddy as your domain hosting platform then follow these instructions in order to create a redirect (aka "forward") from your root domain URL to your 'www' URL.


Adding a CNAME Record

If you're using NameCheap as your domain hosting platform then follow these instructions in order to add a CNAME record to your DNS.

Create a Redirect

If you're using NameCheap as your domain hosting platform then follow these instructions in order to create a redirect (aka "forward") from your root domain URL to your 'www' URL.

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